Friday, March 6, 2009

you cant trust your friends

you cant trust your friends anymore. you think they are sweet, clean people. until you decide to borrow something from them and you end up getting a staph infection. its gross. next thing you know you are squeezing green crap out of you. this would be called puss. it smells. its oozy. its not your best friend. puss is basically a build up of bacteria and dead white blood cells. and worst of all doctors recommend that you eat it. i don't recommend this at all. why? why should we eat this crap? because it helps your hair and fingernails grow longer. its not worth it. how do you get a staph infection? this happens when you share things with your friends, like clothes, or towels. you have a worse chance of getting a staph infection if you have a cut or a scab. the only thing we can do is to try to prevent ourselves from getting this. how? become a germ freak and be afraid of life. how do you get a rid of a staph infection? there are a lot of ways. unfortunately doctors recommend that we try to get it out ourselves first. this means you have to squeeze it out. yuck. shall i say more?
i think not.

go on. go search for videos of people getting rid of staph. its not pleasant at all.


Elizabeth said...

haha wow
that was amazing.

~ Chris ~ said...

wow ....! What did u share with her? lol

Matt Benton said...

Amazing. I am completely grossed out now. Nice job Kaylea and congratulations on your first BITR post!

kaylearoberts said...


Anonymous said...

dang. every time you said staph i read it as "steph" and it gave me a brilliant idea. anyhow, you're the only faithful blog in the rounder this week. thats funny.